Its just draining on me. Now, its time to apply to online jobs but all he does is to play with our kid, play games on his phone, etc. I am 40 and my husband is 45 I been going through his bad luck with child support , false charges against him in 2015 which lead to bonds, court resets for almost 3 years. Limited-Time Deal on Marriage Course. This dip s*** is running you like your his mommy come pick me up, I got fired again, the guys at the company looking out the window seeing numb nuts standing out on the street waiting for a ride form his girl, joke. I want that for him more than I want his financial help. It is a bit similar as those women abused by their partner and still put up for long term until it reaches the break point of their personal suffering. LOL). Husband has been out of work for 6 and a half years. Ive never left him alone for more than a few days and the house is always a mess when we come back. Actually I dont think he even likes my children anymore. You have a son and he comes first. Anyhow, I am SOO frustrated with the sight of him sitting ALL day on that computer I feel like I am married to a fixture in this house. Your second shift begins the minute you walk through the door and the kids run to you. When I read about many of the man in the letters above, I see that some have slumped into learned helplessness. I dont know what else to do. During the last 8 months I have secured 3 PT teaching contracts and together with my government unemployment check (Canada) I am able to pay all bills. So I wax and wane in detachment and support. If they discuss this, they can develop a plan such as having him do the dishes since this isnt his priority. The Team is not qualified to offer professional advice, but we encourage you to reach out. Meanwhile, Givenchy and Chlo fell short. I try to keep the faith but its hard. things. 4. Im tired. Make a list of all the work required to keep your home and family working. Ive been on disability for the past few months and its the only money i have. Some people think that to get these figures on unemployment, the government uses the number of people collecting unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under state or federal government programs. How much longer do I wait before I can start living life for myself a little? It feels too much on my shoulders when we arent married or engaged or even planning anything of the sort at the moment. And i feel like i have 2 kids! Of course, one staff paycheck would not cover a family of 3 kids + 1 unemployed husband. I cannot be his world, I cannot be his sole source of good self esteem, I cannot listen to the constant complaining. He always complains we dont ever do anything together but doesnt alleviate any of the chores from my shoulders so we can get done and have time together. Some are the only people their unemployed partners will talk to about their suffering. But since he didnt we dont know what to do. Go ahead, sit on the sidelines snd advise us to kick him to the curb. Would anyone feel like swapping email? Im exhausted. We have been together almost 10 years and have a 6 year old daughter who is an angel. We owe the landlord thousands now and hes on the verge of evicting us. U can not hope to choose way A to reach destination B. Ie. I dont care how hard it is for me. What a huge mistake. To proud to put food on the table by working at Burger King or Walmart (or be with a partner who does) because the economy is in the hole and thats all there is available currently? I dont know how to feel or what to do. You CANNOT continue to live like this! Im at my wits end. So now he had been back since then, we arent even really in a relationship anymore, it feels more like room mates, who share a bed, (rarely sex). It seems youre making it on your own anyway. We are to the point where we need so many things and are falling behind on everything. Pray to God for the energy, sympathy, tolerance, and knowledge to get you through this testing season. I am 36 and I know I dont want kids but I feel so tired all the time. You think, oh just go get a job anything will do and that is not the way it is. He gets mean, depressed, and sometimes seem to have no ambition. :(. She thought it was the end of the world that she was already over 30 and still unmarried. He's always done a few jobs around the house, such as putting out the bins and mowing the lawn, but I thought that when he finished work he'd naturally do a lot more of the household chores. Sorry to say that, there is no magic will be happened in real life. I dont think things are ever.going to change. I want to live alone. Theres not excuse. Grow up and take action or remain silent. If you decided to carry him for THAT long and hes busy NOT contributing any assistance to the bills, ditch him. I am back to update my previous post (#76). It makes me feel worse because I know he sees me cry and I hate that he sees me upset. So I made the very bold journey to the UK and stayed in a bedsit to see if I was employable here. But I know her if I told her that I lost my job then she could do anything. It will cost between $5,000 and $8,000 to get the land how it needs to be and then the cost of getting a building. Throughout these 6 years i have been jobless for maybe a total of 4 months. This is hard. In between jobs, Im working 3 jobs, 7 days a week in order to pay all the bills and stay afloat. Even being a housewife she was not in mood of cooking dinner . My partner is really supportive but I know that hes pressured too because his mom always talks about money and about how hard it is for me to get a job because I did not finish bachelors. I for the life of me cant figure out why she is so hung up on me quitting a secondary job that I was just working for extra money and how little she cares about how miserable it was making me. Yet he still hasnt applied for a job. The more I think about it the more I want him gone. What happens when you tell someone who has nothing that they dont even have a home any longer? This will prevent a world of problems for you later. I dont even like looking at him. I am so sick of it. Some what help.. And b****** at me when i complaint about it.. Hard to be turned on with so much resentment. So, my husband and I moved to a new state 2 years ago, and the job we thought he would have had through a staffing agency fell through. I returned to work after my year-long maternity leave and only then he started looking. Ive been at my current two jobs for six and a half years! My husband and I have been together for 12 years. I am the idiot who chose this stupid relationship and I will be the smart one to find my way out. Find something, a hobby, volunteer doing something that makes YOU happy and things will start to look better, I promise! He has failed us as his family. I received an inheritance, rather large, from my grandfather, totally unexpected, about a month prior to hubbys vacation time. i actually went looking for support to see if i could find a partner being an unemployed woman and this made me sad. Yes after all this I an praying for a breakthrough from God. Wow! His friends and family all think he has a job, so Im the only one who gets to get taken advantage of financially. If I get work .. We will split up .. Im truly done too .. Its just ironic that all the years when he didnt work and I did ,, he refused to break up. ETC. But I rather him chipping in to pay the bills. She married in haste. And if I were to attempt to suggest that he work to at least make my life slightly bearable, I risk a temper fit that may leave all of my belongings destroyed for all I know. I am so sorry the house is not to your liking, perhaps if we were two working men we could have a warmer house? Validate your husband's feelings. Stay at home, gets angry, does a few things at home eg laundry. And Im sure Im not the same either much sadder, angrier, and just completely exhausted now. I am in a similar situation, my husband hasnt worked for 4 years. David, So instead of saying, Remember you said you would mow the lawn today, consider some alternatives. Neither have worked. Only later I found out the reason, my future brother -in-law was lazy, inconsistent, did not work hard enough and was not contributing toward the business. Been married for 18 years, 2 kids age 10 and 6 and its been almost a year since he got laid off. I just feel tired I have no idea what employers want anymore. There is a lot of man bashing on here. My parents are always making suggestions which is frustrating as my husband has tried most of their suggestions already to no avail. Sorry if you want to talk my email should have been sent to you,, i feel your pain ,. Is there any way I can address this without coming off as a naggy mom-type? He said hes always been the one with all the answers, and now he has none. I know he struggles too, but I feel a lot of resentment and frustration like so many other people here. I climb ladders to change light bulbs which I shouldn't be doing that bc of my back. He tells me I should be more understanding since what he is doing for us is worth millions. My husband wont even help me do my job, Im self employed, to contribute. Work together on problem-solving. I can tell you from experience, your marriage and entire life will crumble down to nothing if you dont either seek help for him, or cut off the relationship completely- which you may have to do in order to motivate him to fix himself. Feeling fed up, lonely and totally shattered both physically and mentally. Hi Star, He owes me thousands of dollars at this point. Yes of course we should leave him. No shit, Dad, I want to say. Trying to make you feel bad before you have enough time to think about that statement. Here are ways to cope with an unemployed husband. being alone with all that money to spend on your own needs would make you far happier than snuggling up to a leech every night. We have equity in our home, so thats our final option or if we get foreclosed on. She appears to have broken off her engagement and is spending a lot of time with Tyga. Ill get on my hands and knees and scrub toilets for minimum wage 16 hours a day before I go years unemployed. If I contemplate leaving, I look around, and nearly everything in this home Ive bought or made. All I want is for people to believe in me and dont assume that Im just bumping around. I believe you have already talked to your boyfriend many times how you feel and what you expect from him. Im the one that list the job due to seizures. When his parents give him a little bit of money, he spends it on himself. So although its tough returning to the workforce after being unemployed for a while, it can be as tough or tougher going back to it after being owning your own business. Were talking about a food service job, he worked in retail I view these industries as being largely similar if not the same in many respects. I have supported our family solely on savings for over 3 years he got 2 small technical internship jobs which lasted only 4 months each and in the last year & 2 months we have had only 6-8 months top of his employment. I feel like committing suicide. I had to finally take a stand and stop. His family is incredible. I am so sorry to hear that. It is not the answer!!! My family and other friends are somewhat critical of the situation, thus we avoid them where possible. The emotional roller coaster we both are on is not new to anyone reading this thread the excitement of job potential, the crushing defeat of not securing the job, the depression and inaction following that defeat. Housework really is a full-time job, muses my septuagenarian father. But things he does that arent money related actually are. No one promised you or owes you anything. By Drake Baer. Yes it is easy to move on by moving out. Problem: he gives $ away and makes bad investments w/o my knowledge! This means either I cook or we have to buy takeout. I know if he truly loved me, there would b no chance of another female coming in the picture. He told me, Because I knew I would regret. That was like the light bulb. When I try to encourage him to change his strategy, he says he knows what he is doing. due to unemployment. I last posted on Jan 23, 2015, I was totally miserable back then. My live in boyfriend hasnt worked since July. He was furious. I assure you that while it is rough, yes, it is still possible. So I feel like I cant enjoy what little money I have on buying new clothes or a bottle of wine etc. He should be pulling himself up and taking care of his family. I dont look at him with love anymore just anger mostly. You're not respected because clearly nobody wants you on the [job] market. Dump his ass, any guy who truly cared for you and was on the same page is going to work at Walmart and make no bones about it as long as his girl says she respects him and loves him no matter what job he has to take for now. I am about to give up on one of them and return it back to the bank, which will be a huge hit to our credit, but all of our savings are exhausted, and I am not sure what else to do. So he gets the credential (after his hard work much to his credit)and he is surprised that the sky doesnt just open with raindrops of jobs. It was rare for him to have a job at any point throughout his working life where he lasted like say 5-10 years before being fired/having the business close. I am not pressuring him about his job hunt, and Ive offered to help him find (and cover the cost of) a therapist, which he declined. There are no jobs in that area.. All the while Ive worked thru surgeries, broken legs, rolling around In a chair at work just so we could survive ..he doesnt cook but did get better at food shopping. We are adults. Finally, you may need to come to a place of acceptance. That small step shows you value your partner. His lack of income always takes a lot of tine with the same result I am responsible for him as I am his partner although he claims we are separated. I am still trying to find the end and switch on the light I often ask myself what have I done to deserve this as life is not fair. Who wants to take in two grown adults that have no jobs and no money!? It is not all about money exept for the fact that it costs money to live or survive. I work a full time high sallary job and each week he starts a new job, I dread his any-minute im-fired phone call where I have to leave my work and go pick him up and take him home all so he can sit on his ass once again, watching TV, and snorring while I work my ass off 40 hours a week. In the real world, you probably need to speak up about the inequity here. I have to remind him times to do some simple thing. Set up a chore chart for him and just calmly tell him that if he is going to continue to not work then he will need to do the chores. I am SO sick of the boring dull house talk all the time. WOW that is so exaclty how i feel. I saved enough money to last me just over 5 years, and have family help if needed which I dont take. DH is ok with doing the minimal. HE HAS NOT APPLIED FOR A SINGLE JOB since losing his other crappy one over a month ago. He makes no money but his excuse is that he has to complete our movie in order to concentrate on finding a stable job- making money. We dont go out to dinner unless someone gave us a gift card as a gift, or I earn one from doing surveys. Hes on it 24 hours around the clock but at the end of the month, he has nothing to show for it. Not to be funny why are your days so long??? You should look into any government programs that may subsidize the cost of the training. Do You Trust Your Spouses Ability to Make Good Decisions? He even told me he had a job and that he started monday, and then Sunday came and suddenly he found out he didnt have the job. He doesnt even have a drivers license, Im usually the chauffeur for everything. I really feel like I have failed in life and for my son. IF she is out of work and is taking on the role of work that women usually do, then SHE IS WORKING! I was over qualified etc. I really resent myself. I never thought hed be like this but its been this way almost half of our marriage. I have failed two jobs already for a year and right now, Im unemployed for one month. During this time I had to PUSH and PROD him to explore part-time work. But i have to day i am crumbling. My question to all the peoplesmens and womens that is job and money is the only thing? My husband doesn't do any housework or chores. Those 9 combined months of him working. there was an obvious change in his demeanor like he felt he had a purpose. It's likely that you both done place equal importance on household chores. I love him and that is holding me with him. Im at my wits end. There is no way I can retire and maintain her health coverage and lifestyle. I doubt itll be the same thing, I swear. I cant do anything by cry everyday. I know this is an old post but I could not help but reply to your comment. How unfairly Mrs. Clinton was treated. They will undoubtedly come up with a slew of . At least he doesnt not smoke, drink or gamble or abuse. Spiritual: Pray alone or with others. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! Why put her through that for nothing? Tell them you feel anxious, trapped, burdened, worried, alone, ignored, invisible, unappreciated, sad, or distant when you do it all and how you really dont want to feel that way, she said. I know its for better or for worse, but this isnt fair! Really we are not worth it, next time tell him to get off you and keep going out the door and dont give him a ride, let his friends come and pick up his s*** once your in the car you again are back in play for the give me one more chance, or I dont know where I will go, who cares as long as its out of you life. It wouldnt be so bad if my husband would contribute his fair share of the house work but he spends most of his time feeling sorry for himself and playing video games. 155: What the Bible Says About the Church, Greenies and Commies Partner For Propaganda, Montenegros EU Membership Key to Opposing Russias Imperial Aspirations, The Economic Case for Better Recycling Policy, From a Progressive Christian Antagonist to a Christian Advocate. For months, I had gently mentioned that it would be so nice if hed please, please take out the garbage when it was full, and how much I loved when our apartment was tidy. This thread is about those who are jobless and just continue to make excuse after excuse after excuse; who dont actually attempt to find another job (and wont admit it), and expect those around them to pay for them to live. I recently walked out on my job but thankfully my husband was very supportive. I just dont think life is supposed to be so frusterating. The coarseness of her attitude is misleading. Tip #2: Try to make chores fun. I also want one more tiny aspect My own sense of achievement and pride with my own job. Or he wont. He is a dreamer always talk but that is it. Breadwinning wives also don't get parity in how household chores are divvied up. finally my mother got me away from him and paid for a new place. I just dont know what to do anymore. I guess I know why he keeps getting laid off: he does exactly the minimum he has to do to complete a task (cleans a litter box? He actively encourages me to do solitary things I enjoy, but when I do I have to stop quite often and run to his side to help him with something. My parents have offered to help out but were holding out hope that something good happens soon. Help is available, and we wish you the best of luck. Ive been dating a guy (I am 21 and he is 28) for 9 months and his contract job ended right when we started getting serious. Its wonderful that a man can work on his dream job filming a movie but one can only pray for luck and amazing marketing to make this movie a hit. As far as working, the first few years werent too bad, he seemed to be trying to be better. why are you ladies putting up with this crap? "So I sort of knew that things were going to fall apart if I didn't hold them together. And I lost count of how many times someone was scolded for blowing/passing up an incredible opportunity. When in reality that so called opportunity was little more than a scam or wasnt all it was cracked up to be. Any thoughts or suggestions welcome. My boyfriend (of 3 years) and I just moved as he got accepted to a great university, and he wanted me to come along. 1. Partners, it is indeed time to take care of you. Well, now we have two kids, rent a basement apartment, and most months live hand-to-mouth, because not only can he manage to work all year, he is crappy with his money too, and I make less but usually end up contributing more. My hubby needs a new pair of shoes- his are 4 year old, but they are special shoes due to a foot issue and cost over $150, so those cant be replaced until he finds a job. My son honestly is so innocent because he still checks on me and asks if Im okay. You deserve it. then in 2011 she brought a gang of 4 smoochers for 2 years. On average, in a two partner family, where both partners worked; Since then he works intermittently with his brother. Now I am covering them all. I even hired him a career coach and SHE is frustrated with him. My live-in boyfriend has been unemployed for two years, so I totally understand where many of you are coming from. I am beginning to regret marrying him and I dont know how long more I can put up with this.but I guess we dont have a choice but to just march on and hope for the best, (not in a bad way)but I am so happy to know I am not the only one.i feel so alone and so hurt and cry most of the time.when I met him we both were not working but was financially well off till reality hit with having our first child and I got my ass to work.Everyday Monday to Sunday just enough to buy nappies and 4 years into this he lays around at home watching tv and doing nothing.ill come home and he would want neer or when the lights are out he calls me to sort it out.he helps around with our son but honestly I feel like Im sucking into this deep depression having to take and the family doesnt know as many occasions they warned me even his own mother wants me to leave him and Ive considered it so many times.just what will happen to my son as I work even nights to stay afloat at home.who will take care of himreally sad and lonely as I am writing this,his busy sleeping til I have to head to work. levett funeral home obituaries lawrenceville ga, monroe louisiana double homicide, eastern air lines flight 212 survivors,
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